Thursday, March 31, 2011

He's not MY brother.

"OMG, you are so weird!"
On a side note, this was immediately after bath time during which I finally got Thing2's chubby little neck to stop having a delightful ripe cheese scent. Of course he immediately solved that problem buy urping nowhere in the vicinity of the burp rag. This resulted in the offending liquids sliding right down his chinless face to his neck which has more rolls than my postbaby belly.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

electricity or magic?

Sometimes I think Thing1 is smart.

Other times I'm not so sure.

Lately I've been telling him that he can't play games until nighttime in order to try to stem the flow of requests for Sonic the Hedgehog. Today he decided that repeating "I want nighttime" would speed the day along. In fact the only thing it does is make my day seem much longer. When he eventually realized that nothing was coming of this he climbed on a chair to switch the living room lights on but was confused when he realized that although we turn on the lights when it gets dark, turning on the lights does not make it dark.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

So it appears I’ve become THAT mom.

Medium ~ Large
You know, the one who can talk of nothing but her kids? In an effort to avoid alienating all of my Facebook friends with status updates about the baby’s bowel movements and keep distant grandparents apprised of the latest adorableness, I’m blogging. Cliche, I know, but what can you do? Look at these faces. We can’t let all that cute go to waste!