Saturday, July 30, 2011

because we are awesome

Grandma Ally sent some new Go Deigo Go books because Thing1 is always trying to sneak out to the livingroom and put it on Netflix when I'd rather him read a book. The books came with coloring pages, stickers and temporary tattoos. Needless to say they were a huge hit! We now have Deigo and Alicia gracing our forearms.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


To top off our touristy activities we had to check out a luau. This is actually the same one that the hubby and I came to when we first met almost 8 years ago. Poi is still gross.

Monday, July 25, 2011

perfect beach

So we're totally obsessed with this new beach. Once you see the pictures these reason will be totally apparent. 

beach baby

the return of Sea Pony!

Aunty and Thing1. That's Maui in the background.

My view that afternoon. For real. This is not a postcard.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

a boy after my own heart

This morning my hubby took out a loaf of bread then was distracted by video games. When I went to put it away Thing1 told me not to since Daddy hadn't eaten any yet. As it was likely to be forgotten for the next several hours, I did it anyway and explained that I don't like messes. "You know that," I told him, "you don't like them either." He then turned to his father and in his best mom voice told him, "Dad, you got not make mess."

Friday, July 22, 2011

rice art

I'm puting together a sensory table for Thing1. I'm in the process of making rainbow rice to fill it up but even though we only have one batch of blue and one of yellow done so far we couldn't wait to get our hands in it. Auntie had the brilliant idea to make rice art like the sand art we did as kids at fairs. I just happened to have picked up a bunch of canning jars so we sat down after dinner and filled them up, making pretty layers of rice.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

the ABC song

Thing1 has been all about the ABC song lately. Today I left the little ones in the car with Aunty while I ran into the store. When I got back she told me that he had been practicing his ABC's when he pointed his mouth and told her, "I'm enunciating."

Monday, July 18, 2011


We spent an afternoon playing football and hanging out with a honu at Kahaluu which has some amazing snorkeling.

We made friends with another family that just moved to the island

and stayed to watch the sunset. No green flash though :(

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Last week we took Aunty Shawn over to Hilo to do the tourist thing. We took a scenic route, saw some waterfalls, checked out Big Island Candies and ate lunch at the mall (very touristy, no?).

Aunty pulling a Michael Jackson @ Boiling Pots

Thing1's picture of Rainbow Falls

Me and my boys @ Kolekole beach park

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Kamakahonu Beach

We spent one afternoon last week at Kamakahonu Beach. It's perfect for the kiddos since it is protected from rough waves by the pier on one side and the historical site of King Kamehameha's home on the other.

Aunty Shawn and Thing1 playing in the water
already attracting the ladies

Friday, July 15, 2011

cleaning. again.

Although (or more likely because) there has been tons of stuff going on lately I haven't been blogging much. Aunty Shawn is still here and there have been road trips and beaches and snorkeling and luaus (okay, just the one). I'll get around to posting a multitude of pictures any day now. In the meantime I'll give you this little gem.

Thing1: What are you doing?
Me: Cleaning up.
Thing1: AGAIN?!?
Me: Yes, again.
Thing1: Whatever you say...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Turtle Independence Day

We had a busy 4th of July. We went down to the Mauna Lani Resort in Waikoloa where they were releasing the 3 and 4 year old sea turtles that they have been raising to help ensure their survival. It was really crowded but it's quite an amazing thing. After the little guys were all out in the ocean we headed over to the Queen Shops for lunch and a sort of holiday street fair with games, rides and a free concert. And also shopping. Alright, mostly shopping.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Kekaha Kai

Aunty Shawn is visiting for a few weeks so we've been showing her the sights. Yesterday we did some offroading and went snorkeling at Kekaha Kai State Park. It a gorgeous beach that's virtually empty at all times since to get there you have to drive a mile or so over a lava field. Totally worth it.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

who knew?

The kid just busted out with this all of a sudden. I sing and sign it to him all the time but we had no idea he knew it himself.

Friday, July 1, 2011

4 month and 3 year well child checks

Yesterday I took the boys to the doctor for checkups. Because I had the forethought to schedule them both at the same time we were saved an extra 45 minute drive to Waimea for a 10 minute appointment. I'm happy to report that the boys are both healthy and whole.

We made the trip in our NEW CAR. One of the rental companies is liquidating their stock so we got a well used, low mileage VW Routan for a steal. Yay! Actually, not so much yay since it's a minivan. It's both a blessing and a curse in that we badly needed a bigger car so Large doesn't have to squeeze between the 2 carseats in the back but it's a minivan. It does have a few redeeming qualities though. I have never seen so many cup holders. It also has built in bluetooth and sun shades on the windows for the boys and this nifty little mirror that lets me look at the kids without turning around, plus the in-dash 6 disk CD changer is also a DVD player for those long car trips. Not that we can go that far. This is an island.