Thursday, November 24, 2011

"space, the final frontier"

There is a lot of Star Trek going on in my house. So much so that Thing1 has started to recite the opening lines of The Next Generation right a long with Captain Picard at the beginning of each episode. Tonight he jumped the gun and started a bit early and when the TV finished echoing him he looked annoyed and said to us, "I already said that!"

baby's first thanksgiving!

Monday, November 14, 2011

school fair

Large had a fair at his school recently so we all went to check it out. There were games, face painting and best of all, a bounce house!

Medium bowling with an assist from Dad
the good old Zoo Choo

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Aunty Bailey's visit

While my sister was in town we managed to pack about 6 vacations into one. We went for a trail ride in Waipio Valley on horseback, went to a luau, saw Kilauea, checked out waterfalls, stargazed on Mauna Kea (and laying in my driveway), we snorkled everywhere we could, went scuba diving(!!!) and even swam with wild dolphins at Honaunau. But like many vacationers we spent most of our time on the beach.

Exhibit A:
Keanu and his Aunty Bailey playing @ Perfect Beach

Friday, November 11, 2011

we luv company

We have had a bunch of family in town and have been up to all sort of touristy activities.

You know what that means. Pictures!

Thing1 with his great-grandparents leaving Boiling Pots

Thing2 & Papa

Thing2 hamming it up with Nana

Me & my boys with their Aunty Bailey and Nana @ Rainbow Falls