Wednesday, October 9, 2013

New England Fall 2013

Because of The Old Man's job change we had the chance to take a few weeks to visit my family on the East Coast. We rented a cabin on the lake that I have fond memories of visiting as a child. Many days family and friends would come up to see us. We did a lot of barbecuing and spent even more time in the water or on the rowboat and kayaks. Of course we also did a lot of touristy things; museums, a theme park, and even a New England Patriots game. Here are some of our favorite pictures.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

"a horse of a different color"

from Instagram

too much scifi

We're all sitting around the table playing with Wikki Stix this morning and Medium holds up his creation and asks if it looks like a wormhole.

The only thing that could have made this nerdy mama more proud is if he told us it was an Einstein-Rosen bridge.

Friday, August 9, 2013


Medium: Where are these teams from?
Dad: Well this one's from Kansas City.
Medium: CANDY CITY? That's awesome!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

our geocaching find

Medium has been showing a lot of interest in exploring the world with our Barefoot World Atlas app lately so I thought I'd take the opportunity to do a little geography lesson. Since the Cat in the Hat is always a favorite around here, he picked up There's a Map on My Lap! from the library and learned the basics. Then we used our new found knowledge to go on our first Geocaching adventure. 

We brought a little giraffe to leave as a treasure, signed the logbook to show we were there, and came home with a tiny neon green ninja. 

After our treasure hunt we celebrated with some lilikoi sorbet.