Sunday, July 21, 2013

our geocaching find

Medium has been showing a lot of interest in exploring the world with our Barefoot World Atlas app lately so I thought I'd take the opportunity to do a little geography lesson. Since the Cat in the Hat is always a favorite around here, he picked up There's a Map on My Lap! from the library and learned the basics. Then we used our new found knowledge to go on our first Geocaching adventure. 

We brought a little giraffe to leave as a treasure, signed the logbook to show we were there, and came home with a tiny neon green ninja. 

After our treasure hunt we celebrated with some lilikoi sorbet.

Friday, July 19, 2013

too much Beowulf

Yesterday I told the kids how their cousin was graduating from boot camp. 
Medium's response: "Is she going to be a Viking?"
Once again, he is not too far off.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

daddy duty

from Instagram

These boys love everything about their baby sister. Including just saying her name.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Medium's 5th

My baby is now five!!!! Sorry. I have to be cliche and mention how very fast they grow up. Time flies so cherish every day and whatnot. I also must apologize for the pictures since my camera is utter crap and does poorly in low lighting. I asked for a new one for Christmas. And our anniversary. Also my birthday. Oh, and Mother's Day. You get the idea. But hey, cake and presents!

Cherry Chocolate Dr. Pepper Dump cake, per his request

"Ooooh, a box!" Easily amused much?