Friday, September 30, 2011

Teddy Bear World

I have about a bazillion more pictures to share from Honolulu but the coolest are probably from Teddy Bear World. I'm talking Jurassic Park Bears, Times Square Bears, Red Sox Bears, Bearack Obama!

At 7 months, Thing2 was pretty clueless about how awesome it was but Thing1 (whose nickname Babybear or more often just Bear) was totally awed.

And last but certainly not least The Bear(s) Scream...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

the tiny peoples' first parade

We got lucky with our timing and managed to catch a parade just a block from our hotel. There were tons of horses, bands, Marines and even a princess.

The boys thought it was much better than traffic.

And who could forget the largest Aloha shirt in the world!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Children's Discovery Center

Yesterday we had a blast at the Children's Discovery Center in Honolulu. Thing1 got to try out being a bus driver, a judge, a fire fighter and even a giraffe.

He also had a blast brushing some giant teeth and reading., two things he always loves to do. You might think I'm lucky to have a kid that doesn't fight brushing his teeth. I thought I was wise giving him a kiddie toothbrush as a toy even before he had teeth but now he begs to brush all the time them because he thinks its a game. Okay...I guess that's still better than battling over it.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

island hopping

It's our first trip to Honolulu! We've arrived at our Waikiki hotel and after being cooped up in an airplane then stuck rush hour traffic for 60 minutes I'm loathe to pack the boys back up into the car and head out in search of dinner. Luckily Grandma Tutie got the boys some new Leapfrog toys just in time for our trip. For fear of annoying nearby passengers I tucked them into our suitcases on the way here but I'm sure we'll make good use of them in the boring hotel room.

Stay tuned for more pics!

Friday, September 16, 2011


Blogger has this fun little function called Labels that you can see over to the right. Basically, when I write a blog I assign relevant labels it then later you can go and click a subject to see all of my blog posts on that subject. Rather than being useful for Grandma to find all of the posts in which she is mentioned, it just plain amuses me. Chinlessness...ha! Recently I added the Milestones label because these kids are doing new things every day.

The thing they don't tell you in the parenting books (trust me, I read them all) is that milestones aren't something that happen all at once. Kids don't take their first steps then all of a sudden cruise around the house like old folks at the mall on a weekday morning. It's really very gradual. There is a lot of falling down. Thing1 rolled over a few times at 3 weeks then didn't do it again for several months. Total fluke. Thing2 didn't roll over until he was exactly 6 months. He spent about 5 minutes the next day going back and forth and back and forth and hasn't done it since. He's just happy where he is. No need to get up and go anywhere else.

This is much more fun. Thing2 has finally decided to sit up. It's so darn cute I've taken a bazillion pictures  already and he just started doing it this week. I've pared it down slightly for the sake of your viewing pleasure (IE. nonboredness) but because I'm still One of Those Moms you shall now be subject to pictures of my child sitting.

Amazing, I know.

Remember how I said how the thing about milestones is that they don't really happen all at once?

I give unto you: Falling.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

best boy ever!

I gave Thing1 carte blanche at dinner tonight. What do you think he asked for?

Waffles? Ice cream? Popcorn?

Carrots and green beans.

Seriously. I have the best kids in the whole world.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Dad is out of town so the locals seem to need extra mothering. For Thing1 this takes the form of extra hugs but Thing2 has decided sleep is totally unnecessary. For both of us. Needless to say, I'm a bit burned out so when Thing1 came to me asking to "snuggle snuggle" for the 1000th time today I told him that I didn't want to just then. Undeterred, he told me, "Okay! Let's cuddle cuddle." How can you say no to that?

Friday, September 2, 2011

the big 1-2

Yesterday was the Largest one's 12th birthday. Uncle Dylan came down to get help celebrate and presents were abundant thanks to my obsession with eBay. He got some video games, Nerf bullets, Gormiti action figures and a slushie machine. I tried my hand at chocolate cupcakes for the first time as I'm not really a fan of chocolate cake myself but it turned out okay even if the birthday boy himself didn't have one. He said he'd had too much junk food all day and had a stomachache just looking at them. What kind of kid says that, I ask you?

This picture is blurry due to the fact that the kid was literally vibrating with excitement.
After the festivities we did some experiments with dry ice.

...or maybe we just played with it.