Friday, September 16, 2011


Blogger has this fun little function called Labels that you can see over to the right. Basically, when I write a blog I assign relevant labels it then later you can go and click a subject to see all of my blog posts on that subject. Rather than being useful for Grandma to find all of the posts in which she is mentioned, it just plain amuses me. Chinlessness...ha! Recently I added the Milestones label because these kids are doing new things every day.

The thing they don't tell you in the parenting books (trust me, I read them all) is that milestones aren't something that happen all at once. Kids don't take their first steps then all of a sudden cruise around the house like old folks at the mall on a weekday morning. It's really very gradual. There is a lot of falling down. Thing1 rolled over a few times at 3 weeks then didn't do it again for several months. Total fluke. Thing2 didn't roll over until he was exactly 6 months. He spent about 5 minutes the next day going back and forth and back and forth and hasn't done it since. He's just happy where he is. No need to get up and go anywhere else.

This is much more fun. Thing2 has finally decided to sit up. It's so darn cute I've taken a bazillion pictures  already and he just started doing it this week. I've pared it down slightly for the sake of your viewing pleasure (IE. nonboredness) but because I'm still One of Those Moms you shall now be subject to pictures of my child sitting.

Amazing, I know.

Remember how I said how the thing about milestones is that they don't really happen all at once?

I give unto you: Falling.

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