Saturday, October 22, 2011

hide n seek

Why is it that kids believe that you can't see them when they can't see you?

Unfortunately this him hiding, not seeking.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

boo @ Perfect Beach

waving hello???

more staycation pics

boys watching baseball

Grandma Alii ;) @ Rainbow Falls

my boys and their grandparents

a photo by Medium

Monday, October 10, 2011


My parents are here visiting this week. They rented a nice big house with a pool so we've packed ourselves up and moved across town to stay with them.

At our previous home we had an ungated swimming pool so last summer we made a huge financial and time commitment and got Thing1 ISR lessons. At the end of lessons I was amazed that my 2 year old could not only swim under water but had the survival skills to float to the surface and swim to the edge if he fell in the water fully diapered and clothed.

Then we moved.

Yes, we live In Hawaii and spend plenty of time at the beach but how much actual swimming does one do in the ocean?

One year later, I am now extremely proud to say that, my little boy can absolutely not swim on his own.

As for Thing2, well, he isn't even interested in trying.

WHAT is this water stuff?!?

Monday, October 3, 2011

i <3 pineapple!

While we were on Oahu we went to check out the Dole Plantation. Despite the fact that Thing1 is allergic and couldn't enjoy any yummy pineapple it was actually pretty cool. We got to ride a train through pineapple fields and got lost in a pineapple shaped maze that was in the Guinness Book.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

little vegan boy

Last week when we watched Food Inc. Thing1 was horrified at the treatment of animals in the factory farms and slaughterhouses, convinced that we had to help the animals. He actually put his shoes on, asked for help to open the front door, then started down the stairs saying that he needed to go tell everybody.

He has finally started putting two and two together and realized that we are vegan which means we don't eat animals. Now he's started identifying that that cheeseburger Dad eats is a cow. His bacon is a pig. His spam is...well, who knows?

So now it's Sunday morning and Dad is watching football and eating a manly breakfast of beef jerky. Thing1 comes into the room and says, "Dad, are you having coffee and cow?"

He definitely takes after his mother.

wet n wild

I haven't found a lot in the way of non-beach activities nearby so we couldn't pass up a chance for a day at the water park while we were on Oahu. It definitely made for some good photo ops.

Looks like Dad and Thing1 are having a blast, right?

But you might be wondering what Thing2 and I were doing all this time.