Sunday, October 2, 2011

little vegan boy

Last week when we watched Food Inc. Thing1 was horrified at the treatment of animals in the factory farms and slaughterhouses, convinced that we had to help the animals. He actually put his shoes on, asked for help to open the front door, then started down the stairs saying that he needed to go tell everybody.

He has finally started putting two and two together and realized that we are vegan which means we don't eat animals. Now he's started identifying that that cheeseburger Dad eats is a cow. His bacon is a pig. His spam is...well, who knows?

So now it's Sunday morning and Dad is watching football and eating a manly breakfast of beef jerky. Thing1 comes into the room and says, "Dad, are you having coffee and cow?"

He definitely takes after his mother.

1 comment:

  1. And next week he gets to see Grandpa Bob, the ultimate carnivore.
