Thursday, April 19, 2012

We are reading Harry Potter together which I'm enjoying quite a bit more than reading the Grinch Who Stole Christmas over and over again. Harry has an owl named Hedwig. I think owls as pretty cool so I said so to the kids. Medium agreed so I went on to tell him that owls sleep during the day and come awake at night which means they are nocturnal. He seems to be following what I am saying, nodding, then telling me, "so is Batman."

This cracked me up. I don't think he is wrong but still I ask, "do you mean bats?"

"Yup! Bats are nocturnal," he tells me very enthusiastically.

At least he got the point of the lesson :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

my son the hedgehog

As I may or may not have mentioned before, Sonic the Hedgehog has been one of Medium's favorites since his dad downloaded a Sonic game on his phone a couple of years ago and for a not-quite-4 year old that's a long time.

Lately Medium has enjoyed pretending to be Sonic (he was previously Spiderman). Being type A myself and never having had much imagination, I like to encourage this. If you call Sonic by any other name he immediatly corrects you, which isn't too bad... Unfortunately, the boy has taken to telling new people he meets at the beach or the store or out for dinner that his name is Sonic. What you have to realize is that there is a pretty small age group that actually knows who Sonic the Hedgehog is, so pretty much everybody over 40 and under let's say...30 have no idea what he is talking about and actually think we've named the kid Sonic (Pilot Inspektor, anybody?).

This morning Sonic was stomping around the house which I cannot stand. When I reminded him to stop I was told, "Sonic runs." Of course! What was I thinking?

As if that's not bad enough, now Sonic is claiming that since the real Sonic runs around naked, he should too.