Thursday, May 26, 2011

mmmmm yummy

Like most kids Thing1 has developed an aversion vegetables and occasionally requires incentive to eat anything green despite the fact that I know he loves spinach, peas, asparagus, etc. My coercion generally takes the form of time in front of the boob tube but lately even that seems to have lost some of it's appeal. Yesterday, much to my chagrin, I stooped to offer candy in exchange for eating his green beans. I had a feeling that this would lead to some adorable pictures so I readied my iPhone and handed him 1/4 of an orange Starburst (starting small). What follows is his reaction to his very first candy experience.


I think that at first he wasn't really a fan of the tanginess then when it got stuck to his teeth as candy often does he just had no idea what to do. All in all he liked it but I think he much prefers watching TV as a reward and if it keeps him off the sugar for a few more years, I'm not going to complain.

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